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Muskegon County Republican Party

Our Candidates
Egelston neighbor, are you tired of the status quo of mismanagement, missed opportunities, and misguided decisions by our township board?
We CAN do better! Vote for a Republican Egelston leadership team.

Amanda Faino
The Organized Educator
Teacher, Mother, Volunteer Event Coordinator, Executive Committee Member
(four positions available)

Peggy Foster

Rhonda Cooper
The Compassionate Civic
Retired nurse, former National honors Society in Nursing, Military mother

Cory Slade
The Community Builder
Pastor of Anchor of Hope Church Business, business owner, service technician

Benjamin Spencer
The Collaborative Catalyst
Digital Media Designer, Current Army Reservist, Husband and Father of Five Kids
Our Commitments
Support our Fire Dept & Police Force
Provide safe, walkable streets & parks
Ensure clean, safe drinking water
Hold industrial polluters accountable
Create a business-friendly climate
Simplify regulations & ordinances
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