by Michelle Hazekamp
September 23, 2021

To mask or not to mask, and the fight for freedom of choice.
When Covid-19 made its grand entrance on the world stage, we were all given the initial “recommendation” to wear face masks. And, not too long after arose the tyrannical mandates making this debate the most heated topic throughout the pandemic.
Check out the list of resources on mask studies at the end of this article!
Do they really work?
The fear mongering propaganda we have been exposed to for over a year now, tell us masks work. However, the piles of research going back decades say they do not work as protection against any virus. Dr. Fauci, the “chosen” world expert, stated masks don't work during press conferences early in the pandemic and also to colleagues in leaked private emails, He soon changed his tune and began insisting they do work. We know he has gone back and forth with this issue, even going as far as his ridiculous recommendation of wearing two or three masks. As a world expert in pathological disease and immunology, he has shown nothing but indecisiveness. So why do so many continue to trust Dr. Fauci, all-the-while knowing his ever changing stance on this issue? Why is the CDC and other health organizations advising us to wear masks when all the science contradicts them?
The answer is an agenda being propagated by world leaders that is walking us through the doors to socialism. As our institutions of government continue to comply by coercing and intimidating our health departments, schools, medical institutions and places of business with monetary benefits and/or threats, make no mistake, we are at war with a false narrative and those trying to enforce it.
Masking Our Kids
With the beginning of a new school year upon us, the war has now been directed at our kids. This summer parents have been attending school board meetings to let board members know they do not want their kids masked while in school and are pushing for parent's choice when it comes to the medical decisions for their own children. As most school districts announced that masks would be parents choice once school started, many have begun to revoke their decisions and are now mandating masks - all the while turning a deaf ear and ignoring the scientific data and resources being presented to them by numerous parents. As there are many individuals who, for medical reasons, cannot and should not wear a mask, here are some ways wearing masks long term can harm our children:
Masks adversely affect respiratory physiology and function
Lower oxygen levels in the blood while raising carbon dioxide levels in the blood
Trap exhaled viral and other pathogens in the mouth/mask interspace, increasing viral/infectious load and increasing severity of disease
Potential brain damage
Michigan Law
Michigan law MCL 380.1307b states that any restraint that negatively impacts breathing is prohibited. Further, MCL 333.2433, the law that empowers the Health Departments to make emergency orders, specifically prohibits them from making any order/mandate that would violate something already prohibited by law.
"Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death"

While leaders continue to claim masks protect us and force us to wear them by way of mandates, we are being deceived into submission and total control by those who desire power over the people. We are in a battle for our God given liberties and freedoms, and are being attacked on all fronts. As Americans, we either stand against this evil before us and fight or we will fall. As Patrick Henry stated in his speech at the Virginia Convention in 1775 on the issue of freedom, "Give me liberty or give me death." As our forefathers refused submission to England, we must refuse submission to mandates that are not constitutional and are eroding away our freedoms.
Fight! Fight! Fight!
For those who are actively fighting this battle at school board meetings, rallies and protests, or those who just want facts, below is a list of resources and scientific studies on the efficacy of face masks. Use these to educate yourselves and as weapons against this war on our freedoms. Keep fighting and know God and truth are on our side! John 8:32 “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
We must value our freedoms over compliance. Our weapon is truth and may God bless all those who stand for truth, freedom and liberty!
Useful Resources:

Candidate Recruitment & Campaign Team Training
Oct 01, 6:00 PM
Transformation Life Church, 2620 McLaughlin Ave, Muskegon, MI 49442, USA
Valuable training and information to run a successful candidate campaign. Support team training and information will also be included. This will run for one hour before our GOP movie night.

Friday, Oct 01 | Transformation Life Church
In search of America’s National Treasure. No admission fee. Concessions available for purchase.

Michelle Hazekamp is a Muskegon County business owner and a Delegate for the Muskegon County Republican Party. She is a graduate of Grand Valley State University with a bachelorette in Science and a minor in History.
Very nicely done!!