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Whereas, the Muskegon County Republican Executive Committee condemns the inclusion of Critical Race Theory, in all its iterations and variations, in the curriculums of public education or training within governmental departments, agencies and/or taxpayer funded private organizations,
1.) Critical Race Theory serves as a prejudicial ideological tool, rather than an educational tool, and should not be taught in K–12 classrooms as it instructs students to judge individuals based on sex, race, ethnicity, or national origin,
2.) Critical Race Theory seeks to portray the United States not as a united Nation of people, families, and communities striving for a common purpose, but rather a Nation of many victimized groups based on sex, race, ethnicity, or national origin,
3.) Critical Race Theory’s teachings stand in contrast to the overarching goal of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to prevent discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in the United States; and
Whereas, Critical Race Theory serves to reinforce the soft bigotry of low expectations by substituting systemic racism as the determining factor in academic achievement gaps rather than the ongoing failure of policymakers and the education system to provide students of color necessary educational opportunities.
RESOLVED that the Muskegon County Republican Executive Committee support the actions taken by communities to implement policies and practices to protect the rights of parents and guardians to know what their children are being taught regarding Critical Race Theory; and be it further
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