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Action Alert: Last Chance to Make Your Voice Heard on Final Redistricting Maps!

Earlier this month, the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission (MICRC) released its final proposed draft maps for public consideration. Michigan Constitution now requires a 45-day public comment period for the proposed maps, where the residents of Michigan have the opportunity to provide our comments on each of the proposed plans.

The 45-day public comment period will end on Monday, December 27th, and the Commission is currently set to reconvene around Thursday, December 30th, to take a final vote on which plans to adopt. (In addition to a majority of the Commission, the Constitution requires that 2 Republicans, 2 Democrats, and 2 "Independents" vote yes on the final maps.) As a reminder, the MICRC is tasked with drawing maps for the Michigan Congressional Districts (13), the State Senate (38), and the Michigan House of Representatives (110). Below are the draft maps proposed by the MICRC:

Congressional Proposed Maps: Chestnut Birch Apple LangeSzetela

State Senate Proposed Maps: Cherry Palm Linden

State House of Representatives Proposed Maps: Pine Magnolia Hickory

Although these maps are not perfect, we feel Apple, Palm and Magnolia break up as few communities as possible and give Republicans a fighting chance to be elected into the majority and we need our voices to be heard in comments on these maps. We want to be very clear, none of the proposed maps are good. They break our communities, violate the VRA and are a clear Democrat gerrymander. Unfortunately, these are the maps that will dictate our legislators for the next ten years, so we cannot sit out the process.

We are asking that you comment positively on the maps, explaining that these are the best options for Michigan. We do not believe the commission will make changes to these maps, but still encourage you to ask for changes that better reflect your community of interest on these versions of the maps if you think they could be better.

This is our final opportunity to use our voice to make an impact on which of the three plans for each level of the legislature that the Commission will adopt. Please consider commenting both positively on the maps above, but also negatively on all other versions of the maps that are complete democrat gerrymanders and divide our communities.

1. COMMENT ON THE PROPOSED MAPS: Each map has a "Add Comment" tab on the top right corner of the page.

2. Provide written testimony by clicking here. This is OUR LAST opportunity to use our voices and make an impact on which of the three plans the MICRC adopts! Please consider doing the following TODAY to help in the mission: ensuring the Commission adopts FAIR MAPS that follow the standards outlined in the state Constitution: 1. COMMENT ON THE PROPOSED MAPS: Comments on the Apple Congressional Map, the Palm State Senate Map, and the Magnolia State House Map stating your support. 2. PROVIDE WRITTEN TESTIMONY: Click here to submit a written comment on the MICRC's Public Comment Portal for your area. State your support for the Apple, Palm, and Magnolia maps, along with why you favor them. If you are not from Livingston County, it is essential that you discuss your home's respective congressional, state senate, and state house districts and how the maps favor/disfavor your area. The plans the Commission votes to adopt in late December are the FINAL MAPS FOR THE NEXT 10 YEARS! Redistricting is one of the most important things we can do to help us prepare for the 2022 election cycle.


Check out more resources on the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission


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