By Michelle Hazekamp
March 12, 2023

A Born Leader
The Muskegon County GOP's Delegate Appreciation Dinner Saturday, March 11, was a big hit as the newly elected MIGOP Chair, Kristina Karamo, awed the crowd with a detailed plan of what the new MIGOP is going to look like. Those who know Kristina Karamo, know she is a born leader, yet has a heart for servitude towards the people of Michigan, and it is because of those qualities the new MIGOP is going to be everything we asked for and more!

Appreciating Our Delegates
The Muskegon County Republican Executive Committee honors it's Precinct Delegates each year with an appreciation dinner. The event is not a typical event, as it allows more time for Delegates to mingle and socialize with each other, and is not a focused fundraiser. Although we usually do have a guest speaker, the focus is to let our Delegates know how much we appreciate them with a complimentary dinner, and provide ample opportunity to meet with other Delegates.
Inheriting a Defunct Party
After dinner and socializing, newly elected MIGOP Chair, Kristina Karamo took the stage with her Co-Chair, Malinda Pego at her side. Kristina began to explain how they have inherited a defunct party and how they have been very busy since they won their elected positions at the recent State Convention to attain the transfer of all party documents and information that has been withheld from them. Kristina continued to explain that their goals are to provide tools and infrastucture. whereby duties will be delegated through State Committee leaders, districts and local GOP's. Delegates will play a key role, as they are the embodiment of the Republican Party.

What's The Plan?
This plan gives the Party back to "We the People", whereby State leaders will focus on the 2024 Presidential Election and will be initiating detailed election training for Election Inspectors and all Poll Workers, learning the new election laws based on Prop 2 and voter registration drives. Districts and local GOP's will focus on Candidate Recruitment, enabling the grassroots to choose quality candidates to represent us, along with campaign support, outreach, etc.
Cutting Out Wasteful Spending
Kristina spoke about making cost effective decisions such as giving up the MIGOP building in Lansing. As more people are downsizing their work infrastructure and working from home has become more of a viable option, funds used to pay rent on the two story building in Lansing can go towards candidate campaigns and quality data for outreach. Kristina also mentioned how in the past, everyone who has worked for the MIGOP lives either in Lansing, or within 30 minutes from the Capitol. Kristina and Malinda recognize that we have talented people throughout the state and plan to expand outside of Lansing to utilize that talent. Having offices through out the state to be more accessible to the people may also be an option, and would still be a huge cost savings compared to the empty building in Lansing. "We are not the Michigan Republican Party in Lansing, we are the Michigan Republican Party," declared Kristina.
New Committee's to Reach Winning Goals!
Kristina and Malinda have have not been sitting idle since elected as Chair & Co-Chair. Establishing structure within the state leadership has been initiated and plans are already being set in motion. One thing they have accomplished with the State Committee is eliminating the wasteful subcommittee's. New ones have been created that are more in line with our goals of winning the next Presidential Election. Kristina elaborated on a few of them such as a Conflict Resolution Committee, the Precinct Plan Committee and a Secure Elections & Future Committee.

Being a Good Neighbor
The Conflict Resolution Committee's purpose will be to investigate both sides of any conflict that comes before the state party to insure transparency and fairness, most likely conflicts between GOP's and/or party members. The Precinct Plan Committee has developed the "Good Neighbor Plan," with the intent to make Precinct Delegates the "best neighbors" we can be. This is one of many solutions to the Democrat's dominance over the media and community outreach. Kristina stated that,"Even if we matched them dollar for dollar with funds, we cannot beat them because of their grip on the media." Referring to the Revolutionary War, Kristina described how the common people of that day had to engage in a type of gorilla warfare to beat the British and explained. "This will be a type of gorilla warfare engaged at the precinct level." Delegates will be trained by assigned trainers throughout the precincts.
Improved Training for Elections
Secure Elections & Secure Future is the new committee focused an initiative to get Election Inspectors & Poll Challengers more effectively trained than what is currently available so we have a much better understanding of exactly what it is we are to watch for and do.
Exactly What We Asked For
With the rise of the grassroots movement over the last few years, we have been relentlessly fighting for our Constitutional hierarchy as "We the People." and for our elected officials to uphold their Constitutional Oath and serve to the will of the people. The new MIGOP is going to give us exactly what we asked for, and our success as the Republican Party of Michigan will depend on the Delegates. Kristina made it very clear by saying, "The success of these initiatives are only as successful as your involvement."

Donors Will Support a Good Plan
After Kristina spoke, time was giving for the Delegates to ask questions, and many asked about elections and fundraising. Kristina noted that people will support a good plan. She is confident that the donations will come and she is also not afraid to ask for money. One question asked was, "Have any of the other MIGOP candidates reached out to you since the State Convention?" Kristina responded that only three of them have; Lena Epstein, Mike Farage and Scott Greenlee.

Bridging the Counties
Co-Chair, Malinda Pego, will have a big job on her hands, as her primary mission is to be a bridge between all 83 Michigan counties. She will spend much of her time visiting each county on a regular basis, bringing state leadership to the people, addressing concerns and issues, and keeping everyone informed and current on all State Party issues. Malinda is also the chair of the Muskegon County Republican Executive Committee and we are blessed to have such a strong leader to call our own, yet proud of her steadfast diligence to the people of Michigan and her relentless drive to make Michigan great again!
A Thorn in the Democrats Side
It is no doubt that Kristina and Malinda are two powerhouses that will quickly become a thorn in the Democrats side. They have more energy than any of us can comprehend and have proven they don't give up. Michigan finally has a team that will not only fight for us, but fight with us!

We Are Grateful to Our Delegates!
This year's Delegate Appreciation Dinner was probably the best we have had. Almost 100 Delegates were in attendance with some from neighboring counties. Dinner was provided to us by Top Shelf Pizza here in Muskegon and there was adequate time to meet and socialize with fellow Delegates. Kristina may have stolen the show, but we always appreciate and are grateful to our Precinct Delegates! We can also be appreciative in seeing Kristina and Malinda as an answer to many prayers for us Delegates, and was well worth the time to listen to their plans for the future of Michigan and the Republican Party. (No pressure, Kristina & Malinda!)