Resolution to Oppose Senate Bills 474-77 That Seek to Amend the Public Health Code on Abortion Laws and Jeopardize the Rights and Health Care of All Women in Michigan
WHEREAS; The Muskegon County Republican Executive Committee opposes the deliberate murdering of innocent life, and
WHEREAS; Senate Bills 474-77 have passed committee in the Michigan Senate introducing several amendments to the public health code regarding abortion laws, and
WHEREAS; SB 474 eliminates the term “Health Care Professional,” and license requirements, thereby allowing for non-health care professionals to perform abortions, and
WHEREAS; SB 474 eliminates requirements for after-birth abortion survival care, thus allowing the death of a post-delivery baby, and
WHEREAS; SB 474 eliminates the word “elective,” thereby granting opportunity for forced abortions that will allow advantages for sex-traffickers and other sexual predators, and
WHEREAS; SB 475 eliminates the verbiage “himself/herself” and “his/her,” in domestic violence matters, thereby aligning with the gender neutrality and inclusion of the DEI agenda, and
WHEREAS; SB 476 changes the verbiage in the definition of abortion from “intentional” to “ A medical treatment,” thereby classifying abortion as a medical procedure, presumably in preparation for proposed health insurance coverage, and
WHEREAS; SB 477 allows for abortion referrals to pregnant students on college campuses, whereby the current law as written prohibits such referrals, and
WHEREAS; SB 474-77 is being promoted under the guise as protection for women's “Reproductive Health Rights,” and
WHEREAS; SB 474-77 instead endangers the reproductive health rights of women by lowering the standards of quality health care,
WHEREAS; SB 474-44 is expected to be on the Senate floor for a vote on Thursday, October 19, 2023 and
WHEREAS; if passed by the Senate and House, Governor Whitmer has clear intentions of signing it into law effective immediately,
THEREFORE LET IT BE KNOWN; The Muskegon County Republican Executive Committee does not support any legislation that endangers the rights of women, removes access to high quality health care and endorses abortion.
THEREFORE LET IT ALSO BE KNOWN; that a copy of this resolution will be sent to Governor Whitmer & the members of the Michigan Senate and House of Representatives.
Muskegon County Republican Executive Committee October 18, 2023