By, Michelle Hazekamp
June24, 2022

The Right to Exist
After a 49 year battle for the right to exist, on this day, June 24, 2022, VICTORY has been WON for LIFE! The U.S. Supreme Court finally issued an opinion, and in a 6-3 decision, Roe vs. Wade has been overturned! As we celebrate this exciting news, let us not forget it was by the mercy of God we received such a gift as this, and the glory is all His.

Activist for Life = Activist for Christ
As followers of Christ, we are activists for "life," and it is more important now than ever that we help pregnant woman considering abortion to choose life. We can be activist for Christ by informing and teaching woman in truth, and either be the help and support they need, or lovingly guide them to places like pregnancy centers that will provide them that to them and get them through their pregnancy. Our local candidate for Governor, Tudor Dixon explained earlier today during a prayer meeting, "A lot of woman who consider abortion come from different lifestyles and upbringings and may not be fully educated on the situation." This is especially true if they have not been brought up in a Christian home, or one that values life and instead, a lifestyle where abortion is acceptable within the family dynamic. Some choose abortion because they are scared for various reasons; teenagers afraid of what their parents will think or do, abusive relationships, poverty, or being told lies on how a child will ruin their lives. We must come together and be there for these woman in a loving manner while focusing on educating with facts.

The Spark of Life
Science is on our side. There are miraculous things that happen when a sperm and egg unite. The "Spark of Life," or as I call it, "The God Light," has been witnessed by many who work in fertility clinics and labs. It is a spark that appears at the moment of unification between a sperm and egg. A sperm and egg are each separately functioning molecules, but when united, they become a multi-cell organism that grows. And nothing "dead" can grow, thus proving life begins at conception. Many scientists have searched for proof of God in our DNA, and many believe they have found Him. One scientist claims he has discovered that the name of God is written in about every 33 amino acids of our DNA when translating sequences to Hebrew.

The Battle is Not Over
As the decision on abortions has now been handed down to the states, the mainstream abortion movement has waged war on pregnancy centers. "Janes Revenge," which is inspired by a 1970's group of abortion providers who called themselves "The Jane's Collective," claimed responsibility for 3 incidents regarding pregnancy centers and extremists are expected to launch violent attacks "for weeks" in response to the Supreme Courts abortion ruling. According to DHS, politicians, judges, churches and pregnancy clinics are among the most likely targeted. We may see a re-enactment of the 2020 summer riots.

The Abortion Amendment
Planned Parenthood has been very active here in Michigan circulating a petition that would amend our Constitution and remove our law that makes abortions illegal in this state. Now that Roe vs. Wade has been over-turned, this law is now in effect. Abortions are illegal in Michigan. If planned parenthood is successful with this petition, the decision will then be on our November ballots for each of us to vote on. This Amendment opens the door for Infanticide, allows for non-consent abortions (taking away parents rights) and allows non-medical professionals the ability to perform abortions. We must stop this petition dead in its tracks. If they manage to get enough signatures, then we must stop it at the voting poles! Read all about the Planned Parenthood petition here.
Over 63 million abortions have been performed since Roe vs. Wade was set into law in 1973. Let's save the next 63 million.

Michelle Hazekamp is a Muskegon County business owner and a current candidate for Muskegon County Commissioner in the 3rd district. She is also Chair of the Muskegon GOP Communications Committee and Precinct Delegate.