By Michelle Hazekamp
November 16, 2021

Calvary Christian Schools Did Not Disappoint
Thursday evening, November 4, Calvary Christian Schools of Fruitport, MI held their annual Fall Harvest Banquet. This, being the biggest fund raiser of the year for the school, is where parents, grandparents and community members attend an elegant night of prayer, song (courtesy of Calvary's high school choir), good food, fellowship and always an amazing speaker. This years guest speaker of the Fall Harvest Banquet and highlight of the night was Dr. Moreno-Riano, the newest president of Cornerstone University.
Christ's Vineyard
Dr. Moreno-Riano spoke of when he accepted Jesus into his heart, highlights of his past career at Regent University in Virginia, and his passion for glorifying God through his dedication to helping students see the beauty of who Jesus Christ is. He stated, "By building on the solid foundation of Christ, students will find Christ's preeminence in all things, and their lives and futures will glorify God. That is why Christian higher education matters, and why God has called me into 'Christ's Vineyard' for spiritual growth and transformation."
Danger of Damnation
Dr. Moreno-Riano was born in Bogota, Columbia and raised under the influence of his Christian grandmother and parents. As a young child in the third grade, while attending an Assembly of God school chapel, Dr. Moreno-Riano accepted Christ. It happened when he says he heard the voice of the Lord in his heart saying to him, "You do not know me and you're in danger of damnation." As he knew he did not want to go to hell, and would much rather desire to spend eternity in heaven with the Lord, he repented and has been living a life to glorify God ever since.
In August, 2021, Dr. Moreno-Riano accepted a new position as the 12th President at Cornerstone University, albeit with controversy. Faculty at Cornerstone implemented a vote of "No Confidence" for the new president due to his opposition of D.E.I.; the diversity, equity and inclusion efforts at the university.
Eagerness to Defend America's Values
At the age of nine, Dr. Moreno-Riano's family moved to Rochester, NY for a better life. While his love for America grew, he was also witnessing the tides of society turning away from God, all the while focusing intently on the threat of communism during the Cold War. It was during this time he developed an eagerness for defending this country, and sensing a calling from the Lord, he soon obtained a M.A. and PhD. in Political Science at the University of Cincinnati. His scholarly career led him to serve in The Foundations for the Defense of Democracies; a Washington D.C. research institute that focuses on national security and foreign policy.
Mission to Glorify God
After previously teaching at Xavier University and Cedarville University in Ohio, Dr. Moreno-Riano became the chief academic officer at Regent University in Virginia beginning in 2006, to behold quite an impressive career. He has authored six books, served as government department chair, dean of the undergraduate, and executive Vice President for academic affairs. As Vice President for academic affairs, he looked back at that original articles of incorporation from Regent University's founding in 1978 and realized how much the university was originally birthed to glorify God. Although Regent University is a Christian College, time and societal trends tend to have influences on even the most righteous minded of institutions, even if it's small in magnitude. The discovery shifted his thinking about the university in which he began a mission to return the school to one that would once again have the sole purpose of glorifying God. His actions have paid off with more than double the enrollment and continuous increase each year.
Cornerstone and the Dangers of Universities Drifting Too Far Left
In August, 2021, Dr. Moreno-Riano accepted a new position as the 12th President at Cornerstone University, albeit with controversy. Faculty at Cornerstone implemented a vote of "No Confidence" for the new president due to his opposition of D.E.I.; the diversity, equity and inclusion efforts at the university.
Faculty say he has created an environment of fear and suspicion by firing staff who support D.E.I. In an October 18, 2020 article for the Washington Examiner, Dr. Moreno-Riano elaborated on his vision for higher education. He wrote that American higher education's insufficient focus on western civilization and its excessive attention to "the oppressed" is shaping students into "vicious" and "intolerant" individuals who are participating in the "corrosion of US democracy."
"American higher education must be renewed so that it can reject the revolutionary impulses that will lead to its demise," he wrote. "This renewal begins when universities are held accountable to provide education that is truly tolerant - that fairly considers the breadth and depth of approaches to the true, beautiful and good, and is not topically fixated on the perspectives of the oppressed." According to Carl Ruby, a pastor in Springfield, Ohio, the recent events at Cornerstone are part of a larger pattern of conservative decline at Christian colleges and universities. In 2013, Ruby said, he was forced to resign as Vice President for student life at Cedarville University, a Christian school where "there are fears of the institution drifting too far to the left, and most of those fears are prompted by concerns over issues of social justice," he said. "What happened at Cedarville and what is happening at Cornerstone reflect a deep rift that is developing in evangelicalism," Ruby added, "and this is just a symptom of that."
Critical Race Theory = D.E.I.
Critical Race Theory, (CRT), is fast becoming America's new institutional orthodoxy and has been prominently exposed recently in all public institutions of education through out the nation. D.E.I. is just another name for CRT as teacher unions, schools and universities have come under fire in order to avert any suspicions of CRT.
D.E.I. includes, but is not limited to:
Critical Race Theory principles
An intellectual framework of identity-based Marxism
Teaching oppression and racism
Deconstruction of identity
Renouncing privilege and paying reparations
Being socialized into "oppressor" and oppressed" roles
The discovery of the wide-spread intrusion of CRT/DEI into our public classrooms has shocked the nation, and Dr. Moreno-Riano understands diversity as he explained, "I have seen it first hand with my family and my own journey and the importance of it, the importance of having conversations, of not jumping to conclusions, of listening, of understanding the experience of others." What Dr. Moreno-Riano is implying is that we are all diverse and it is what makes us unique. Equity is confused with equality, and there is a vast difference, as Critical Race Theorists reject the principles in Declaration of Independence and instead interpret its language as meaning white supremacy, patriarchy and oppression. "Inclusion" in DEI is not "inclusive all," but rather focused on minorities and "victim groups" where more efforts are made to please and retain them because of their oppressed status.

Where Your Kids Go to School Matters: Calvary Christian Schools Display the Love of Christ
As we face challenges all around us, lower education matters also. I have three children, my oldest who graduated from public school, and my two youngest whom my husband and I chose to send to Calvary Christian Schools. Our family has been a part of Calvary for 11 years and I can attest to the differences not only where quality education is concerned, but to behavior and world views. I can testify to Calvary's excellence in displaying, teaching, and living through the love of Christ.
CRT is not welcome here and diversity is about respecting the uniqueness God created in each of us. Skin color or nationality does not matter, as we are all children of God, created in His image. Calvary's mission statement is "Partnering with parents to equip students towards personal excellence and the pursuit of God's purpose for their lives." They hold true to every word in this statement. The environment, when surrounded by the students and the staff, is astonishingly filled with respect and kindness.
I have never walked into a school, or any public facility, where kids show so much respect and kindness towards others. Because Calvary is a small school, everyone is family. Students tend to have more of a brother/sister relationship with one another. And yes, there are bouts of disagreements amongst them, as with all kids, yet the staff is excellent in using these moments for teaching the love and forgiveness of Christ. I can't say enough good things about the teachers; they are all wonderful! As a very satisfied parent of one graduate from Calvary and one currently in his sophomore year, this was the single best thing I have ever done. I highly recommend you check out Calvary Christian Schools with the link provided below.
Ephesians 5:7-14 Therefore do not be partakers with them; for you were formerly darkness, but now you are Light in the Lord; walk as children of Light (for the fruit of the Light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth),
trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret. But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light.
For more information on Calvary Christian Schools click the link below.

Michelle Hazekamp is a Muskegon County business owner and a Delegate for the Muskegon County Republican Party. She is a graduate of Grand Valley State University with a bachelorette in Science and a minor in History. You can contact Michelle at

Sat, Nov 20 | Whitlow's Forerunner
Join us for our annual Chili Cook Off fundraiser. Experience each contestants best chili and choose which Executive Committee members recipe is your favorite. Prizes, games, and family fun! *Guest Speaker: Kyle Olson

Sat, Dec 11 | Whitlow's Forerunner Event Center
Muskegon County Republicans Christmas Party to celebrate the JOY of the season of Christ's birth and the foundational values we hold dear. Bring a DISH-TO-PASS. Free event!